

Data Curation Librarian for the Minuteman Library Network, former Steering Committee Member, SQL oversharer, and owner of far too many comics.

IUG presentations:
2019: Automating Booklist Curation With SQL
2020: The Unofficial Guide to Sierra’s SQL Views (Video Available)
2021/22: How to SQL (with Ray Voelker)
2022: DIY DEI
2022: SELECT * FROM “Top Ten Things I Wish I Had Known About SierraSQL” (with Ray Voelker)
2023: Mapping Our Patrons
2023: The Unofficial Guide to Sierra’s SQL Views
2024: The Rules of SQL-sitions: Mastering Sierra SQL for Acquisitions
2024: 4 Perspectives on Using Holds Data with SQL (with Bob Gaydos, Rebecca King & Victor Zuniga)
2025: Unlocking Sierra’s REST APIs: Practical Python Projects for Libraries (with Ray Voelker)
2025: LibraryIQ & You: Collaborative Approaches to Vendor Integrations (with Sara Roberts and Cori Iannaggi of LibraryIQ)