Get ready for the IUG 2023 conference


IUG 2023 starts next week in Phoenix :sun_with_face: ! Review the resources below to get ready for the conference.


We’re going green - no printed programs. We’ll send you a customized link for the conference app soon.

Conference Chat

There is a dedicated conference channel set up on our Discord server. If you haven’t already, get your IUG Discord account set up (IUG Membership required) and the application downloaded.


Pick up your badge and conference items at the registration desk, check the schedule for hours and locations.


Even though it is hot outside, air-conditioned rooms can be chilly :snowflake: . Also, pack an :orange_square: orange-colored accessory to wear for the reception on Thursday.


Coffee/Tea/Water available throughout conference; allow extra time for specialty coffees at hotel cafe. Press Coffee & Starbucks are nearby.

:question: Want to learn event more? Review the slides from our informational session.

Additional Conference Information

:white_check_mark: You CAN still register for the conference!

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I had a great time at the IUG conference last week. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn from the experts and network with other professionals. I want to express my gratitude to the IUG organizers and volunteers who worked hard to make this event possible. They did an amazing job of creating a welcoming and engaging atmosphere for everyone. I’m sure all the attendees benefited from the valuable sessions and activities.

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