Caffeinated and Confused: When Quarantine Life and New Job Stress Collide?

Presented by Stefanie Maclin-Hurd, WAGGIN Network

Stefanie Maclin-Hurd started in her current position as a Polaris Sys Admin in October 2019. Six months later, the world shut down, and she found herself with a catalog worth of data, and no traditional tech background as she suddenly needed to handle twenty libraries remotely among closures and other uncertainties.

In this presentation, she’ll discuss:

  • What resources were helpful to a tech and Polaris newbie when the traditional in-person gatherings were not happening
  • Teaching herself on topics like cloud computing and wireless networking
  • The many trials and errors that happened behind the scenes as she needed to make changes to keep the catalog up-to-date during Covid
  • How Covid improved her multi-tasking and adaptability
  • How many cups of tea she really drank when no one was looking

IUG EaST 2022_ Caffeinated and Confused_ When Quarantine Life and New Job Stress Collide_.pptx (2.6 MB)

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