Zoom forum topic feedback - give us your ideas!

We love having the opportunity to gather via Zoom monthly to share ideas and questions with one another, but we want to hear from you: We’d like to know what topics are of enough interest to repeat periodically, but perhaps more importantly, what are we missing? If you have ideas or requests for future sessions, please take a moment to let us know by replying to this thread. (We promise not to force you to lead the discussion, though volunteers are always welcome!)

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I would love to hear/get an idea or list of what useful statistical reports people are creating/using on a regular basis. These would be without having to use SQL, etc… just the basic Sierra desktop app/tools (create lists, statistics, web management reports). So things that could be assigned to a lower level employee w/out all the SQL permissions/training required. What specifically do you pull at the end of your fiscal year, what do you keep track of, etc.


I would like to hear how libraries are managing their LOT in the ILS. Any creative uses of the functions or fields? How do you keep loan rules and the LRDT from getting out of control? How do you determine what’s holdable and what’s not? Are you using any automation with Scheduler or scripts? What’s the weirdest/rarest/most perishable/fragile thing you loan out? What kinds of partnerships with other government departments or organizations have you formed to populate your LOT?


Along the same lines, I would like to see other libraries’ tips and tricks for the Float Determiner table.

How about an IUG GitHub account for SQL, scripts, and JSON files? In the case of JSON files, it could allow libraries to share Create List search queries more easily.

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How how you train/onboard new staff to learn the system.

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I’d like to echo what Alison mentioned; it would be helpful to find out what folks are doing to maintain the system, especially as it relates to reports/lists that you’re running and how often. It would be neat to see how you’re constructing the searches too.

I’d be happy to share what our system is doing here, and would also gladly hear from others because maybe there are additional things we could be doing.