Your Ideas: Innovative and IUG Enhancement Processes

Program Title: Your Ideas: Innovative and IUG Enhancement Processes
ILS: General
Program Description: At this joint Innovative/IUG presentation, the members of the Enhancement Leadership Team will give an overview of how to submit enhancement ideas, how they are reviewed and prioritized, and how and when they are implemented.
ILS product managers Mike Dicus and Samantha Quell will explain how they use Idea Exchange to feed into their development process and Steering Committee members Sarah Frieldsmith and Eleanor Crumblehulme will describe the new IUG-run idea prioritization process.

Speaker/ Information: Samantha Quell - Polaris Product Manager, Innovative Interfaces

Mike Dicus - Sierra Product Manager, Innovative Interfaces

Sarah Frieldsmith ( - Systems Librarian, University of San Diego

Julie Cole ( - Library Systems Administrator, Langara College

Eleanor Crumblehulme ( - Library Systems Administrator, SILS Consortium

Enhancements_Presentation.pptx (3.9 MB)

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