Using Sierra REST API to Load Patrons (Sierra)

Program Title: Using Sierra REST API to Load Patrons
Presentation Type: Program
Track: System Administration
ILS: Sierra
Program Description: Due to the unique semester structure of Indiana Wesleyan University’s online adult programs, it became necessary to load patrons into Sierra each day. Although an automated process that generates a csv file with patron information runs daily and placed in a shared folder, it became apparent that a daily manual load of patrons was not possible due to weekends, holidays, and vacations. This presentation looks at the solution that was created to automate the patron load. The solution uses the Sierra Patron API, the university’s Student Information System (SIS), a data mart DM-Library for change information, and Jitterbit as the API integration tool.

Presenter Information: Pamela Childers
Institution: Indiana Wesleyan University – Jackson Library
Job Title: System & Web Librarian

UsingSierraRest.pptx (3.8 MB)