Tales from the Dark Side: What Our ILSes Can Learn from Shadow Libraries

Program Title: Tales from the Dark Side: What Our ILSes Can Learn from Shadow Libraries
ILS: General
Program Description: Circulation, acquisitions, online catalogues, patron management, statistics and analytics. Your ILS helps you manage all of these things and so much more. But there’s a flip side to the library world, where laws are skirted if not completely ignored. This is where you’ll find shadow libraries. From quasi-legal to illegal, shadow libraries provide access to materials regardless of propriety. For many people around the world, a shadow library may be the only way to obtain a book, movie, or academic paper. And, as it happens, shadow libraries deal with many of the same issues and tasks that we find in traditional ILS administration. It’s like a ‘mirror universe’ episode of a sci-fi show - while the reflection isn’t perfect, there are lessons we can learn from the other side and, hopefully, use those lessons to improve our library systems.

Speaker/ Information: Daniel Messer (daniel.messer@lsslibraries.com) - ILS Administrator, Library Systems and Services

Tales from the Dark Side.pdf (13.6 MB)

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For those with the interest, you can find my slides and a whole lot more at my website. I keep the IUG pages up indefinitely, so this link should work for quite a while.

Cyberpunk Librarian - IUG 2024

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