Status of Ingram sFTP transition

Continuing the discussion from October 2023 News from PIAC (Polaris ILS Advisory Committee):

Here is what our members have heard from Ingram recently (emphasis mine):

We have worked very closely with the folks at Clarivate who are upgrading Polaris so that it will be sFTP compliant. Because of their timeframe, we know that it will be impossible for all Polaris customers to transition to the new software version to meet our schedule.

We will be working to isolate non-sFTP network traffic on our servers and making other security measures that should be invisible to you all as we wait for Polaris customers to slowly transition to the new version of the software.

So, please don’t be concerned that orders will not go through or there will be any disruptions in your services. We will be in touch about the specific steps we will be taking to ensure security measures are in place until you can upgrade to the newest version of Polaris in a timeframe that makes sense for your library.