Sierra 5.5: unable to transfer file error

We updated to Sierra 5.5 on Friday and have since received reports from a small portion of our libraries saying they have been unable to send orders. They can log on to the vendor’s ftp server fine but upon transmitting the file see a popup that simply states “unable to transfer file”. All such reports have involved Ingram but I suspect that’s a coincidence given the timing with our upgrade and the number of other libraries within our consortia that have successfully sent in orders to them during the same time period.

I did see the follow entry in the known issues list for this release, but that doesn’t quite capture what we’re experiencing:

Intermittent freeze when sending orders with FTP in Print/Send Orders

Several libraries report that after transferring orders via FTP in Print/Send Orders, Sierra may become unresponsive. This issue is intermittent and not reproducible on demand.

The behavior is similar to previous Known Issue SIERRA-30051, for which a fix was created in Sierra 5.2.

Has anyone else seen similar behavior with this release or have any theories regarding why this may only be impacting a few of our member libraries?

We have a solution. Turns out a number of libraries had been in the practice of entering the file directory along with file name when uploading files to Ingram and relabeling them. That now throws and error, and is unnecessary so easy fix.

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