Reimagining Workflow with BTCat (Sierra)

Program Title: Reimagining Workflow with BTCat
Presentation Type: Program
Track: Cataloging & Authorities
ILS: Sierra
Program Description: In 2022, the Nassau Library System (NLS) subscribed to Baker & Taylor’s new cataloging service BTCat as part of its efforts to update its cataloging workflow (NLS supports 54 public libraries). Since then, and with the ingenuity of B&T’s representatives, NLS has redesigned their workflow using a combination of AutoIT, BTCat’s macro system, and FTP to streamline the overlaying of existing records, correctly input custom material types, and begin to automate the copy cataloging process. Join NLS staff as they explain BTCat’s implementation, how they tweaked it to fit their needs, and the lessons learned while updating their cataloging processes.

Presenter Information: Grace Palmisano
Institution: Nassau Library System
Job Title: Resources & Discovery Manager

Reimagining.pptx (17.2 MB)