Polaris MEEP voting starts soon!

Polaris! It is almost time to vote in the new MEEP process!

The Polaris Working Group had a short timeline to establish a list of potential enhancements, and we appreciate all the time and effort they have put into kicking off the MEEP process.

Your IUG site manager will receive a ballot on Monday, March 25th. The ballot will ask the site manager to rank the ideas in order of importance. Ballots must be submitted no later than April 8th, 2024.

Follow these instructions to see your site contact.
If needed, use this form to update the site contact.

For consortia, individual member libraries may elect to purchase their own IUG membership which would give the member library voting rights in this and all other IUG processes.

Find more information about the MEEP agreement.

The Spring 2024 Polaris MEEP candidate ideas are:


Hooray!! Thanks for all the hard work Polaris Working Group members!

Polaris site contacts should have received an email today with voting instructions. If you are a site contact and didn’t get an email, you can use this link to cast your ballot :ballot_box: .