Polaris custom Circ and Tech Services reports review at IUG conference

I’ll be presenting “Using Custom Reports in Circulation and Technical Services” at IUG on Thursday at 10:30
Description: “A review of reports we created or customized for Circulation and Technical Services and how they are used by staff. Examples: Custom holds lists, claims returned status for email notifications, search lists, managing floating, errors and problem checking, staff productivity, statistics, collection development, weeding, and catalog cleanup. Audience discussion and contributions are welcome. This session will not cover how to create reports. Audience type: Any, but public library focus.”

If you have any questions or report use you’re particularly interested in, or would like me to address or include; please let me know. -Either here, or you can email me directly.



IUG2018-Using Custom Reports in Circulation and Technical Services.PPTX (1.2 MB)