What do you do when the brain and heart of the ILS retires and all that knowledge walks out the door? How do you train someone in two months what it took years for the other person to learn and perfect? Join us as we provide tips, tricks and sage advice on trying to keep up (and not make too many mistakes) as we take over the reins of running the administrative side of Polaris for a consortium of 489 libraries! Learn how to remember the tables and why you should organize those training notes NOW!
Program Numbers, Times & Locations
P02 | Wed, May 08 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM | Deer Valley
Presenters and Coordinators
Joan Bauer, Illinois Heartland Library System, jbauer@illinoisheartland.org
Jesse Jensen, Innovative, jesse.jensen@iii.com
P02_How-dare-she-RETIRE_Training-and-Issues-for-Polaris-Administration.pdf (3.0 MB)