The Goal:
Notify patrons that their library card will expire in 30 days, encourage library card renewal prior to expiration, and provide email welcome messages to new patrons immediately upon registration.
The Team:
The Las Vegas-Clark County District Library and Patron Point.
The Tools:
A variety of tools including Sierra APIs and the SQL Server were used to provide an interface between the ILS and the Patron Point marketing system with up to the minute synchronicity while also saving staff time.
This presentation reviews the library’s strategic goals and the tools used to achieve those goals.
Program Numbers, Times & Locations
O02 | Wed, May 08 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM | Deer Valley
Presenters and Coordinators
Sufa Anderson, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District,
Ted Fons, Patron Point,
O02_Automating-Data-Interfaces-to-Improve-the-Patron-Experience.pdf (1.6 MB)