L07 APIs and the Discovery Layer: Streamlining workflows for patrons and staff

The strength of APIs is the ability to automate processes and streamline workflows. At Marquette University we are implementing two APIs to work with our EBSCO Discovery System: one for placing holds from the EDS and the other for harvesting our catalog into EDS. Both APIs are intended to create better and more efficient workflows, with one focusing on our users and one focusing on our staff. This presentation will discuss the before and after workflows, successes and challenges we had with implementation, and the results of having both APIs functional. This presentation is applicable for all library types.

Program Numbers, Times & Locations
L07 | Tue, May 07 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Phoenix A

Presenters and Coordinators
Kelly Kobiela, Marquette University, kelly.kobiela@marquette.edu

L07_APIs-and-the-Discovery-Layer.pptx (1.3 MB)