IUG 2021 Virtual Presentation: Batch, Please!: Batch Editing and Loading MARC Records Using MarcEdit and Sierra’s Data Exchange

We are delighted to bring you another installment in our openly available IUG virtual conference videos! Thank you to Keri-Lynn Paulson of King University for this extremely helpful look at batch editing and loading into Sierra! This video will be openly available on YouTube for this coming week - a great opportunity to share with colleagues who may not have been able to attend the conference.

Batch, Please!: Batch Editing and Loading MARC Records Using MarcEdit and Sierra’s Data Exchange
This session is designed for non-catalogers (like me!) who find themselves newly tasked with adding large files of MARCs to Sierra. We will walk through the process of using MarcEdit to prep the files and then loading them into Sierra. Along the way, we’ll talk about ways to manage keeping track of these large files, optimal load order, and how to simultaneously load records for more than one library.


Attached you’ll find the slides and handouts from Keri-Lynn Paulson, Electronic Resources Librarian, King University/ Holston Area Libraries, Inc. and Innovative Interfaces, Inc.'s Ron McRae for their IUG 2021 Virtual Conference presentation, "Batch, Please!: Batch Editing and Loading MARC Records Using MarcEdit and Sierra’s Data Exchange "

To find out more about the upcoming 2022 Virtual Conference, check out the conference page at https://www.innovativeusers.org/conferences/iug-2022-virtual-conference


BatchPlease-HandoutEditable-IUG2021.docx (109.9 KB)
BatchPlease-HandoutTranscript-IUG2021.pdf (749.7 KB)
BatchPlease-Presentation-IUG2021.pptx (1.9 MB)