Improving Paging

Program Description
Learn how we used Sierra DNA to improve the title paging process for our librarians by creating our own mobile paging solution. We wanted to stop items from “falling off” the paging list, page more frequently but use less paper, and make separate paging lists for each department. We were especially tired of taking paging lists back to the desk every time we needed more information to help us locate materials so we used Sierra DNA to build a better solution.

Program Numbers , Times & Locations
H04 4/24/2018 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Oceans 4

Presenters and Coordinators
Robert Pesale, West Bloomfield Township Public Library,
Clayton Nummer, West Bloomfield Township Public Library,
Jeff Crocker, West Bloomfield Township Public Library,

Program Materials
PowerPoint Presentation

Improving Paging.pptx (3.6 MB)