Idea Lab: vote for and comment on expiring ideas!

Hello Sierra Users,

Time is short in Idea Lab ! You have until Feb. 25th to view, vote, and comment for ideas you would like to support. After that date, successful ideas will be exported from Idea Lab and reviewed for inclusion in prioritization votes. Innovative is working on getting Idea Exchange set up and ready for your new or revised ideas.

These ideas are still at the submission or crowd validation phase:

Manage Holds (view outstanding holds reports) should include INN-Reach items.

Decision Center
Decision Center - Allow Editing of Scheduled Reports
Decision Center Pooling Report based on staff applied limiters
Decision Center: exclude copies from Branch OR System by item type or location

Include cataloged and received dates with bibs orders field response in API
Expose more fields via circ_loan_rule table

Scheduler email reports should have a lot more information
Scheduler jobs page should allow filtering
Scheduler jobs page should show more jobs on each page

Thank you for your participation!

Eleanor Crumblehulme and Sarah Frieldsmith
IUG Enhancements Co-Coordinators

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