Idea Lab: Vote! And support soon-to-expire ideas

Hello Sierra Users,

There’s one more week to vote in the Academically Speaking challenge. There’s only one set to vote on, so it doesn’t take very long :slight_smile:

Several ideas in the Sierra Always Open Space need your support to get to the next level:

Batch Edit Items by Barcode
Expand on Deleted Item History
Duplicate item in bib record
Allow for the addition of the item type description in Summary > Hold Display so holdability is clear
Add a filter to allow searching of active subscriptions or orders
Decision Center Usage Statistics

New to Idea Lab? Idea Lab is designed to allow you to submit, discuss, and vote on ideas to improve Sierra and Polaris. Anyone at any Innovative library may participate in Idea Lab. Find information on how to create an Idea Lab account on our FAQ page.

Eleanor Crumblehulme and Sarah Frieldsmith
IUG Enhancements Co-Coordinators