Idea Lab: Sierra Challenge winners!

Hello Sierra Users,

:tada:The winning ideas of the Sierra: Academically Speaking Challenge are:
Allow Local Create List Saved Exports submitted by Kimberly Allen
Make URL report useful and launch URLs correctly submitted by Susan Johns-Smith

Congratulations (and thanks!) to Kimberly and Susan for those great ideas!:tada:

And an honourable mention to Display volume in holdings records submitted by Kimberly Allen. The Always Open copy of this idea was selected for implementation in Sierra 5.6!

Several ideas in the Sierra Always Open Space need your support to get to the next level:

Mobile Worklists - Keep Starred Items from Previous Lists
circ_trans should log a check-in when checking out an already checked-out item

:bulb:New to Idea Lab? Idea Lab is designed to allow you to submit, discuss, and vote on ideas to improve Sierra and Polaris. Anyone at any Innovative library may participate in Idea Lab. Find information on how to create an Idea Lab account on our FAQ page.:bulb:

Eleanor Crumblehulme and Sarah Frieldsmith
IUG Enhancements Co-Coordinators

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