Idea Lab: Polaris Challenge winners!

Hello Polaris Users,

:tada:The winning ideas of the Polaris: Analyze This! Challenge are:
Record sets from Saved and Scheduled Reports in SimplyReports submitted by Rachel Fischer
Ability to upload a file of patron barcodes to a patron record set submitted by Heather Arnold

Congratulations (and thanks!) to Rachel and Heather for those great ideas!:tada:

There are also lots of ideas in the Polaris Always Open Space. Check them out or submit one of your own anytime.

:bulb:New to Idea Lab? Idea Lab is designed to allow you to submit, discuss, and vote on ideas to improve Sierra and Polaris. Anyone at any Innovative library may participate in Idea Lab. Find information on how to create an Idea Lab account on our FAQ page.:bulb:

Eleanor Crumblehulme and Sarah Frieldsmith
IUG Enhancements Co-Coordinators