Highest Circing Titles - Year End List

I’m sorry if this has been posted before, but I’m hoping to get help on how to run a year-end highest circing titles list for our Board and our newsletter. Our Head of Collections left the library, and this is something she did, but I’m not sure how to run that list. Ideally, I’d like it for Adult, Teen, and Kid titles, if possible. Also, I’m sorry if this isn’t the place put this type of question. :slight_smile:
Thank you!

Hi @traciglass, and welcome to the forum! Do you have the ability to run a SQL query? If so, I just used the attached query last week to run the same report. Note that the third character position of our location codes are used to designate the audience. YMMV.

YTD Highest-Circing Titles.sql (1.4 KB)

Besides the SQL approach, do you have access to Decision Center? The popular titles report there can be fantastic for these…though at least in our case also a bit slow to run and prone to timing out…so use it with some patience.

Hi Traci,

We pull this information from Decision Center (Evaluation > Circulation – Top Titles). This would be for physical (vs. digital) holdings. Prior to having Decision Center, I used Create Lists. See attached procedure, but keep in mind it’s been a few years since we had to do it this way, so it may not be 100% accurate. It was a way for me to get checkouts by title, no matter what format (had to combine all the formats). I usually would combine with the reports I’d get from OverDrive (and now Hoopla), to provide an accurate picture of what was popular with our patrons.



TopTitlesSierra.pdf (1.23 MB)

And if neither Decision Center nor SQL are available to you, there is always Create Lists; identify the subset of the collection on which to report, export the results including the YTD Circ column and sort by that column in Excel.  Sorting in Excel will generally be faster than doing so in Create Lists itself, and sometimes CL sorts get hung up. Furthermore, Excel permits the reverse sorting you’ll want for this task.

Oops… crossed in the mail with Alison’s reply. :roll_eyes: