H03 Homegrown Collection Analysis and Action Tool

This tool addresses a number of collection development and maintenance needs. Standard current and historical circulation stats are tracked, but the unique element of this tool is the ability to address overstocked titles and custom Dewey ranges, determine where a need is, and move extra items via automatically placed holds. Additional functionality includes CREW recommendations, the ability to add a list to a record set or email, purchasing and weeding recommendations, and more. This tool could be adapted to be used in any type of library, but is best suited to public libraries.

Program Number (s), Times & Locations
H03 | Mon, May 06 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | Encanto A

Presenters and Coordinators
Jay Peters , Mid-Columbia Libraries, jmpeters@midcolumbialibraries.org

H03_Homegrown_Collection_Analysis_and_Action_Tool.pdf (1013.6 KB)