ZMARC Libraries - Caution - Upcoming update to Literature

In case you missed this annoucement on the Supportal, I’m reproducing it here:

  • The Polaris ZMARC service team alerts that the latest ZMARC Authorities Weekly file has an update for the “Literature” record (155$a).
  • The “Literature” authority is widely used, so libraries using ZMARC Authorities Weekly should check if the 155$a ‘Literature’ authority record exists in their database and remove it before importing the file to avoid termination.
  • Their test import process of the file terminated due to the time limit for processing a single record being reached, caused by the substantial number of bibliographic records tied to the authority in their test database.
  • Options to get the updated record after importing the file include separating the record into its own file or manually updating the existing record.
  • Users can open a ticket with their Polaris Site Manager if they have any questions or concerns.