Wait, You Use a Mac? - Polaris Administration From the Other Side (Polaris)

Program Title: Wait, You Use a Mac? - Polaris Administration From the Other Side
Presentation Type: Program
Track: System Administration
ILS: Polaris
Program Description: "It’s morning. I arrive on-site to help manage some mischief. After a quick conversation with the staff, I get to work. I open my backpack and pull out my beloved MacBook Pro. And one of the librarians says:

“Wait, you use a Mac? I thought Polaris was a Windows thing.”

This happens to me a lot. But as a Polaris admin, you have choices. You can absolutely work all aspects of Polaris with a Mac or an iPad. I know, because I’ve done it for years. Discover for yourself how you can GTD with Apple."

Presenter Information: Daniel Messer daniel.messer@lsslibraries.com
Institution: LS&S Libraries
Job Title: Integrated Library System Administrator

MacPresentation.pdf (811.5 KB)

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