Understanding Load Profiles - M/S

Program Description:

This session is intended for catalogers with no load profile training, especially those at organizations where the load profiler has no cataloging background. The ability to manipulate load tables is a powerful skill that controls how MARC records are imported into your catalog. Collaboration from catalogers of all levels can be valuable to eliminating unnecessary work, and presenting patrons with useful records. By gaining insight into how load tables work, and understanding what is and is not possible, you will be better able to communicate with your load profiler to achieve results that will address the needs of your organization.

Program Numbers , Times & Locations:
F03 4/24/2018 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Oceans 3

Nina Acosta, Mid-Hudson Library System


Program Materials:
PDF of Powerpoint slides

UPDATED Understanding load profiles.pdf (1.1 MB)