Surface Pro as a workstations

My Director would like me to look into using Surface Pros as workstations for Polaris. Pros/Cons? Is it an option? Just a No?
Thank you,

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We have a member library that uses them in their administrative department and likes them. Since they’re standard Windows PCs, they should work fine with Leap or the desktop client.

The screens might be small if your intent to have them permanently mounted on a desk versus using in a mobile or portable context. For the price, I think most staff would prefer something with a bigger monitor.

The only thing I would avoid is the ones with the ARM CPUs (5G models) as those might have compatibility and/or performance issues.

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Are you planning to use a docking station, and attaching additional monitors, scanners and printers?

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Yes, a docking station, monitor, scanners, and printers. Which feels like a lot for a Surface Pro, but I really have never gone this route. It’s not a mandatory move for us, just a search for opinions and if it is workable.

Our management team uses Surface Pros for their work and many of them do occasional work in Leap (more rarely in Polaris Desktop Client). It works fine for both Leap and the desktop client but the client is a bit more difficult to deal with when they are not docked and using their external monitors just because of screen size.

Otherwise, we’ve had no issues with either staff client and management likes the Surface for their work. I will note that we don’t have receipt printers hooked up to these units so I can’t say how they behave with a Surface. Our barcode scanners and RFID pads work fine.

Hope that helps!



I appreciate all info.
Thank you all!

Yes, this is the route they wanted to go with. If we encounter issues, I’m skeptical about the receipt printer and scanner, as a workstation. I think we will only use a SurfacePro if we are doing outreach and inventory