SQL for the Skittish - Salvage Your Sanity Beyond SELECT (Polaris)

Program Title: SQL for the Skittish - Salvage Your Sanity Beyond SELECT
Presentation Type: Program
Track: System Administration
ILS: Polaris
Program Description: "New to Polaris SQL? How’s it been going? Okay? Excellent! You’ve been writing some queries, doing some SELECT statements to get that sweet, sweet data? Awesome! Now, all we need you to do is UPDATE a couple of things and would you mind DELETEing a few rows from this table?

I used to get nervous whenever I had to actually change something in the Polaris database and, guess what? I still do. But I have several strategies to stifle SQL squemishness - and maybe they can help you too."

Presenter Information: Daniel Messer daniel.messer@lsslibraries.com
Institution: LS&S Libraries
Job Title: Integrated Library System Administrator

Polarissys.pdf (424.4 KB)

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