We are trying to generate a list of multiple copies in our Fiction section. I’ve tinkered a bit and checked out Daniel’s Amazing Compendium of SQL delights, but I couldn’t find this particular query.
Does anyone have this handy by chance, that they’re willing to share?
select browsetitle,max(callnumber) as callnumber,count(circitemrecords.itemrecordid) from circitemrecords with (nolock)
left join itemrecorddetails with (nolock) on circitemrecords.itemrecordid=itemrecorddetails.itemrecordid --just for the call number
left join bibliographicrecords with (nolock) on circitemrecords.associatedbibrecordid=bibliographicrecords.bibliographicrecordid
where assignedbranchid=3 --assuming you only want duplicates at one location
and shelflocationid=437 --assuming your fiction section is defined by shelf location
group by browsetitle --these 2 lines (group and having count) are what pull the duplicates
having count(circitemrecords.itemrecordid)>1
order by callnumber
If you’re finding it pulls a lot of false positives (e.g. in our collection we have a copy of Homeland by Barbara Kingsolver and Homeland by Fernando Aramburu - those come up as duplicates when just matching on the title), you could experiment with matching on the author as well, or pulling a list of the call numbers instead of just one of them for ease of troubleshooting:
select browsetitle,string_agg(callnumber,', ') as callnumber,count(circitemrecords.itemrecordid) from circitemrecords with (nolock)
left join itemrecorddetails with (nolock) on circitemrecords.itemrecordid=itemrecorddetails.itemrecordid
left join bibliographicrecords with (nolock) on circitemrecords.associatedbibrecordid=bibliographicrecords.bibliographicrecordid
where assignedbranchid=3
and shelflocationid=437
group by browsetitle,soundex(browseauthor)
--using the soundex means that slight variations on how the author's name is stored won't
--prevent a match, but significant differences like kingsolver vs aramburu won't match)
having count(circitemrecords.itemrecordid)>1
order by callnumber
Hi Amie,
I create lists of multiple copies by using Simply Reports. This can be done as an item count report if you out put the bibliographic data to the item count report. This is an example of the configuration:
Simply Reports Tab: Items
Submenu: Item count reports
Columns selected for output:
MARC bibliographic record ID
MARC author
MARC title
Item assigned branch name
Item assigned collection name
Item material type
Item general filters:
Assigned Branch
Record status: Final
Material type (optional)
Shelf location (optional)
Statistical code (optional)
Item relative date filters (prior to a specified date):
Last check out or renewal date more than: (specify number) years before the report run date
Item circulation filters:
Lifetime circulation less than or equal to your specified number
NOTE: You can sort by the number of items in Excel.