Sierra and Millennium Libraries Using Overdrive - Oct. 2022 - Required update to Limit Network Access table

In October, OverDrive will be updating their IP addresses, which will require a configuration change on your Sierra or Millennium system prior to October 10th, 2022.

1) All Libraries

All Sierra and Millennium libraries using services from OverDrive will be required to update the Limit Network Access table.

Instructions to update the Limit Network Access table

To make this change, from the Admin Corner, navigate to Limit Network Access and add the new IP address range for Overdrive to the appropriate Patron API Server entries on your system:

Setting Description
HTPATAPI This entry controls access to the Patron API Server for third-party access to Sierra patron data.
HTPATAPISSL This entry controls access to the Patron API Server via SSL (Patron API Server over a secure connection).

2) Sierra, Millennium libraries who run Innovative software on premise

To ensure there is no disruption to your services from Overdrive, please also request your local firewall administrators allow access to connections coming from the new IPs provided by Overdrive. Overdrive uses the patron API. Please refer to our “Access Through Local Firewalls” solution and open ports for the Patron API Server (4500) and/or Patron API Server via SSL (54620).

If your library uses Innovative cloud hosting, you do not need to log a service request for an IP change. We will make this update on your behalf prior to October 10. You will need to update your Limit Network Access table (see #1 above).

If you have further questions about this change, please log a ticket with the Innovative Customer Support Help Desk.