Saving Time (and Trees!) with Mobile Worklists

Saving Time (and Trees!) with Mobile Worklists

Santa Clara University acquired Mobile Worklists to help with collection maintenance activities in Special Collections, and has ended up using it for myriad tasks throughout the library! We now delegate more kinds of tasks than ever to our student employees, thanks to the ease of use and the workflow design that restricts the student to the task at hand. Find out how eco-friendly Mobile Worklists is helping us with weeding projects, collection shifts (in our case, from main stacks to our Automated Retrieval System), and all kinds of collection maintenance tasks, while greatly reducing our use of paper!

Rice Majors - Santa Clara University

Wen-ying Lu - Santa Clara University

IUG2017_MobileWorklists-draft-5.pptx (7.0 MB)