Fiscal Rollover Mistakes and Solutions

This is one of the articles that we share with the libraries in our consortium prior to fiscal rollover.

Problem 1: Ran the utility using the Run Fiscal Year Rollover Utility/Rollover Free Balance, but wanted to use Run Fiscal Year Rollover Utility/Zero-out Free Balance.

Solution: Run the utility again using the Zero-out option selected for the Fiscal Year you just created.

Note: This will create your second new fiscal year for the day, but it will provide you with the zeroed-out balance you originally wanted while bringing along all of your existing encumbrances so they can be paid out of the new fiscal year.

Also note: The rollover utility will automatically select the start date based on the previous fiscal year but this can be changed after you rollover, so your second new fiscal year may be for the following year. Just navigate to the Fiscal Year Find Tool (Acquisitions → Fiscal Year) search for the new year and adjust the start date to any date you’d like. You can do this as long as the fiscal year is in Open status.

Problem 2: Ran the utility using the Run Fiscal Year Rollover Utility/Zero-out Free Balance, but wanted to use Run Fiscal Year Rollover Utility/Rollover Free Balance.

Solution: Using your pre-processing reports for reference, manually update the Free Balance of your new funds to match the amount that the corresponding fund from the previous fiscal year had listed.

Note: While this does add a little extra manual work to the process, once all of your Free Balances have been updated you will be right where you had wanted to be with your encumbrances successfully rolled and each fund with the appropriate Free Balance based on what was left over from the previous year.

Problem 3: Ran the utility using either of the Run Fiscal Year Rollover Utility options, but wanted to use Replicate Fiscal Year.

Solution: Run the utility against your newly created fiscal year using the Replicate Fiscal Year.

Note: Similar to the first scenario, while this will generate a spare fiscal year, it will also get you to where you wanted to be initially. Encumbrances will remain in their “original” fiscal year to be received and paid, while all new orders will be able to be placed from the new fiscal year.

Problem 4: Ran the utility using either of the Replicate Fiscal Year, but wanted to use one of the Run Fiscal Year Rollover Utility options

Solution: If this happens to you, please create a Help Desk ticket immediately. SILS staff will reach out to Polaris support to work on a solution. It will likely require some extra manual work for you until all existing orders have been resolved.

Note: This is the one scenario that is not recoverable via the Polaris staff client. This is due to the fact that the Replicate option leaves the encumbrances in the fiscal year they had been initially generated in and moves the fiscal year to a status of Encumbrances Closed. Once the fiscal year is moved to a status of Encumbrances Closed, the only available option for the fiscal year is to close it. This means there is no way to move those orders out of the old fiscal year via the client.