Congratulations to the winners of the IUG 2025 Steering Committee election:
- Stephanie Ruhe (@sruhe) for the position of Vice-Chair/Chair Elect
- Daniel Messer (@CyberpunkLibrarian) for the position of Member-at-Large
- Alex Vancina (@alexvancina) for the position of Member-at-Large
Stephanie’s election to Vice-Chair/Chair Elect opened up a member-at-large vacancy for the remainder (1 year) of her Member-at-large term. Per the IUG bylaws, the IUG Steering Committee appoints someone to fill the remainder of that term.
- One of our other candidates, Lorie Lee (@LorieLee) has agreed to fill the remainder of the Stephanie’s term.
We are grateful to ALL the candidates for their willingness to serve and for their commitment to the IUG community. IUG benefits greatly from the talent and dedication of its members. Thank you for all that you do to support and inspire our community.
The term for the individuals listed above will begin at the conclusion of the IUG 2025 conference.