Receipt printer recommendations

We are considering using a receipt printer at a staff workstation (circulation desk) for the first time. We are a relatively small, low-circulating library.

Would any kind of receipt printer work with Sierra? Or, is there any particular specification required? Any advice/recommendation (general or specific) would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi Asako,

We’ve been using Star TSP650 series receipt printers for many years. They’re reliable, low maintenance, and work well with Sierra:
TSP654II Thermal Receipt Printer: Android & iOS, Wireless & Ethernet (LAN)

We also have one of Star’s less expensive models, the TSP143III, which also seems to work fine:
TSP143III Thermal Receipt Printer: USB, Bluetooth, LAN & Wireless

That said, for basic Sierra circulation receipts, I think almost any receipt printer would work.

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Thank you for the info, Alex!