Polaris SIP Logs: Monthly Self-Check Statistics Report

Program Title: Polaris SIP Logs: Monthly Self-Check Statistics Report
ILS: Polaris
Program Description: This presentation describes a custom PowerShell script to search our Polaris SIP logs to report the number of checkouts on each of our 36 Bibliotheca self-checks at nine of our twelve branches for our monthly statistics.
We purchased one Polaris SIP license per branch. We assign it to the first self-check at a branch. For example, GM_SELFCHECK1 at our George Memorial Library. Polaris funnels all SIP transactions for a branch through the branch’s first self-check. Thus, the Polaris SQL report for GM_SELFCHECK1 represents the total number of checkouts on GM_SELFCHECK1, GM_SELFCHECK2, and GM_SELFCHECK3. We wrote the PowerShell script to match the IP addresses for our self-checks in our Polaris SIP logs to find out on which self-check a checkout occurred.
We also have a Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services SQL script for the total self-check checkouts by branch to verify our PowerShell results. Bibliotheca provides reporting software, but our PowerShell SIP report is a closer match to our SQL SIP report.

Speaker/ Information: Mary Miller (mary.miller@fortbend.lib.tx.us) - System’s Administrator, Fort Bend County Libraries

2024_IUG_FBCL_SelfChecks_MonthlyReport.pptx (2.4 MB)