Hello! My site is investigating what options are out there for sending phone notices. What service does your library/site use for phone notices?
We use Clarivate’s Innovative Phone Alerts product, but only for SMS notifications (it also supports voice messages). Currently, our patrons receive the following notifications through this system:
- Hold information
- Overdue information
- Fee information
I know we are getting close to beta testing almost overdue notifications, and we’re hoping to have that feature in place before IUG 2025.
The implementation process took us about 48 hours, and since launching it last March, I’ve heard very little about it—which is a good thing. It’s running smoothly, and we can easily pull statistics on the number of messages sent each month.
We use, via our Consortium, MessageBee for email, phone, and SMS messages. Each library system in the consortium has it’s own set of templates and can adjust the wording and look for ourselves. It works very well in giving us control while allowing the consortium to manage purchasing and support.