P08 Experimenting OPAC Subject Discovery with Linked Open Data***

Utilizing Wikidata as a hub of authority data, Michigan State University Libraries (MSUL) is experimenting with tracing connections between different linked open data sets to create subject knowledge cards that improve OPAC users’ discovery experience. Starting from an uniform resource identifier (URI) encoded in subfield 0 of a subject access point, the experimental knowledge cards would pull in data from Wikidata and DBpedia to provide contextual information of the subject in question, display broader/narrower/related terms of the current subject to allow both vertical and lateral browsing of Library of Congress subject headings, as well as linking to semantically related results

Program Numbers, Times & Locations
P08 | Wed, May 08 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM | Phoenix D

Presenters and Coordinators
Dao Rong Gong, Michigan State University, gongd@msu.edu