Loan Periods - Get Full Info

Loan Periods - Get Full Info

While you can get the list of Loan Periods from your Polaris system administration and management tools in the Staff Client, sometimes it’s useful to get the whole list in one place, so you can export it to a CSV or Excel file. This query pulls all the relevant information for Loan Periods so you can easily see what’s going on.

    lp.LPID AS "Loan Period ID",
    lp.OrganizationID AS "Org ID",
    o.Name AS "Library",
    lp.PatronCodeID AS "Patron Code ID",
    pc.Description AS "Patron Code",
    lp.LoanPeriodCodeID AS "Loan Period Code ID",
    lpc.Description AS "Loan Period Description",
    lp.TimeUnit AS "Time Unit ID",
    tu.Description AS "Time Unit",
    lp.Units AS "Units"
    Polaris.Polaris.LoanPeriods lp WITH (NOLOCK)

    Polaris.Polaris.Organizations o WITH (NOLOCK) ON o.OrganizationID = lp.OrganizationID
    Polaris.Polaris.PatronCodes pc WITH (NOLOCK) ON pc.PatronCodeID = lp.PatronCodeID
    Polaris.Polaris.LoanPeriodCodes lpc WITH (NOLOCK) ON lp.LoanPeriodCodeID = lpc.LoanPeriodCodeID
    Polaris.Polaris.TimeUnits tu WITH (NOLOCK) ON tu.TimeUnitID = lp.TimeUnit

    lp.OrganizationID IN (19,20,21) -- Limit by organization codes if needed