Learning T-SQL - A list of resources

This is by no means an exhaustive list of resources available to the SQL curious, but it should be something that can help get you started. I’ve added some classes from LinkedIn Learning as it appears several libraries have access to this resource, more so than other online learning systems such as Coursera.

If anyone has further suggestions, drop them below and I’ll add them to this post!

LinkedIn Learning

Learning SQL Programming - (1h 48m) A basic introduction to general SQL. While not focused solely on T-SQL and SQL Server, the concepts in this class will set you up with a foundational knowledge of SQL programming that applies quite well to T-SQL.

  • Structured Query Language (SQL) is a common tool for retrieving data from relational databases such as SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL. This course provides an introduction to this core programming language. Learn how to request data from a database, limit and sort the responses, aggregate data from multiple tables with joins, and edit and delete data. Instructor Scott Simpson also shows how to perform simple math operations and transform data into different formats.

Introduction to Transact-SQL - (1h 3m) This class gets into the actual dialect of SQL used by Microsoft SQL Server and Polaris itself. T-SQL includes various features and additional functionality that Microsoft uses in your Polaris database all the way up to massive Azure based data systems.

  • Relational databases and SQL servers have been a cornerstone of businesses for decades, and as data growth increases at an exponential pace, learning to work with data held in SQL Server databases is more important than ever. In this course, Jess Pomfret introduces Transact-SQL, an extension of SQL used to interact with relational databases that includes additional programming constructs and features beyond standard SQL, particularly procedural programming. Jess starts with the basics, guiding you through your first SELECT statement to help you get the data you need out of a database. She then shows how to add functionality to help filter, manipulate, and present the results you need. By the end of this course, you’ll be well equipped to write the T-SQL you need to get the job done.

Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training - (5h 23m) If you’re looking to do more with your database and move beyond queries into database administration, this is a good place to get started. Many of our Polaris systems aren’t running SQL Server 2022 yet, but many of the skills and lessons found here are backwards compatible and you’ll be ready for future changes and functionality. If you want to learn about the newer version of SQL Server that Polaris uses right now, there’s a very similar class on SQL Server 2019.

  • This course with database expert Adam Wilbert introduces you to creating relational databases with SQL Server and the graphical interface, SQL Server Management Studio. Adam walks you through your first steps in the newest edition of Microsoft’s database management system. He takes a detailed look at creating efficient tables and adding rows of data, importing existing tabular data from spreadsheets, and writing queries to view and process that data. Adam also covers important database management tasks such as creating backups, securing access to sensitive information, and leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft’s Azure cloud infrastructure.


T-SQL Fundamentals (Fourth Edition) by Itzik Ben-Gan - Starting with the background to T-SQL querying and programming, including: logical query processing, book-querying constructs (single table queries, joins, subqueries, table expressions, set operators, data analysis), data modifications, temporal tables, transactions and concurrency, SQL Graph (completely new to this edition), as well as programmatic T-SQL constructs. The book includes extensive exercises and solutions with explanations, allowing the reader to practice what they’ve learned. This book is widely considered as the authoritative guide on T-SQL fundamentals. It focuses on understanding why things work the way they do, and not just how to make them work. When people understand the “why” the code they write tends to be more correct and more meaningful. This edition of the book includes coverage of the newest T-SQL additions up to and including SQL Server 2022.

WorldCat | Amazon

Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft® SQL Server T-SQL in 10 Minutes (Fifth Edition) by Ben Forta - Whether you’re an application developer, database administrator, web application designer, mobile app developer, or Microsoft Office users, a good working knowledge of SQL is an important part of interacting with databases. And Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes offers the straightforward, practical answers you need to help you do your job. Expert trainer and popular author Ben Forta teaches you just the parts of SQL you need to know-starting with simple data retrieval and quickly going on to more complex topics including the use of joins, subqueries, stored procedures, cursors, triggers, and table constraints. You’ll learn methodically, systematically, and simply-in short, quick lessons that will each take only 10 minutes or less to complete.

WorldCat | Amazon

Beginning T-SQL A Step-by-Step Approach (Fourth Edition) by Kathi Kellenberger and Lee Everest - Get a performance-oriented introduction to the T-SQL language underlying the Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL database engines. This fourth edition is updated to include SQL Notebooks as well as up-to-date syntax and features for T-SQL on-premises and in the Azure cloud. Exercises and examples now include the WideWorldImporters database, the newest sample database from Microsoft for SQL Server. Also new in this edition is coverage of JSON from T-SQL, news about performance enhancements called Intelligent Query Processing, and an appendix on running SQL Server in a container on macOS or Linux. Beginning T-SQL starts you on the path to mastering T-SQL with an emphasis on best practices. Using the sound coding techniques taught in this book will lead to excellent performance in the queries that you write in your daily work. Important techniques such as windowing functions are covered to help you write fast-executing queries that solve real business problems.The book begins with an introduction to databases, normalization, and to setting up your learning environment. You will learn about the tools you need to use such as SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Data Studio, and SQL Notebooks.

WorldCat | Amazon

Online Tutorials

SQLZoo - A wiki-based tutorial that walks you through the basics and syntax of SQL.

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These are some great resources! Looking forward to tackling them. :partying_face:

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SQL consultant/trainer Brent Ozar has a free ‘6-Month DBA Training Plan’ you can sign up for on his website, https://www.brentozar.com/ . He also has some other free trainings and tools for SQL DBAs. I got quite a lot out of his stuff when I was starting out with SQL.

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