Lack of documentation regarding Putty & Sierra Web for Sierra 6.1

We just upgraded to Sierra 6.1. I logged in to Admin Corner and after selecting any option from the first menu received the following error:

serror opening menu: screen too small (needed 25 x 61); continuing anyway
Press to continue

This was followed by another error regarding passwords and the program exited.

It turns out the new Restart Sierra WEB option has increased the number of rows. The solution is to change the Window settings in Putty to at least 25 rows

On another note, if you are expecting the Restart Sierra Web to give you one more prompt prior to continuing, it doesn’t.

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I always set mine to 160 columns and 45 rows just so I don’t have to work in that tiny little space anyway.

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I, on the other hand, constantly have so many windows open on my 2 monitors that I like to keep the real estate as small as possible. The default seems to have been set to 24 rows and I never saw a reason to change it.

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142 x 34 lines in 12-point Consolas here. Easy for an old guy to read and it just about fills my laptop window.

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