The IUG Zoom Forum: Regional User Groups discussion today June, 20th 2024 at 1:00PM EST. Feel free to sign up if you haven’t already.
This forum will contain information for those in regionals or who are interested in starting one.
The IUG Zoom Forum: Regional User Groups discussion today June, 20th 2024 at 1:00PM EST. Feel free to sign up if you haven’t already.
This forum will contain information for those in regionals or who are interested in starting one.
I wasn’t able to attend the Zoom - too many meetings that morning. I remember long ago there used to be a sort of NW PUG (Polaris users group) for Polaris users in OR, WA, BC, northern CA. Is there a Pac NW IUG? Or an interest in at least starting a Discord channel?
Going forward all IUG members will be placed into a regional… it may not be active, but it will be there ready in case someone wants to take up the mantle of organizing the group.
Look for more information in the coming weeks. Thanks for your interest!
I think there is/was a Northwest regional IUG (BC, Washington, Oregon, Idaho). I believe Kitsap Regional Library was an active member/organizer.