Program Title: Appless Checkouts (It’s a big deal)
ILS: General
Program Description: Empower patrons to handle self-checkout using the browser on their mobile phone without the need to download any specific app. After logging in with library card information, patrons can either use the camera to read item barcodes, or those using an Android phone can scan the barcode from an RFID tag. After a successful checkout, the due date for the items displays in the browser. The app does not change the security bit on the RFID tag, it only checks out the item in Sierra.
Speaker/ Information:
Urho Kaipainen - Espoo City Library, Finland
Kari Martikainen - Espoo City Library, Finland
Ray Voelker - Cincinnati Library
IUG 2024 Hack-A-Thon Appless Checkouts.pdf (526.0 KB)