IUG 2022//23 Elections: Nominations Needed

Good day!

We are looking for a few good people to help keep the IUG Steering Committee going! This year, we are electing two members-at-large. Winners will begin their term at the end of the IUG 2023 conference (first meeting to be held after the last session on the last day of the conference).

Deadline for Nominations: December 22, 2022

Please send any nominations (self or otherwise) to nominations@innovativeusers.org. If you have any questions about the commitment or positions you can find more information here


You can reach out to me or anyone on the steering committee in the IUG discord or via email (contact information found here: Steering Committee & Volunteers – Innovative Users Group )

Have a great week!

Trevor D

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Don’t forget, :arrow_forward: we’re still accepting nominations, including self-nominations for our upcoming IUG Steering Committee member-at-large election.