Item Statistical Codes

I was wondering how much libraries are using the Statistical Code field in their item records.
I would like to implement the use of the Statistical Code to help me with State Statistics.
Would anyone be willing to share their experience and the list of codes that they have created?
I was thinking of categories for non-fiction dewey ranges (how narrow of ranges?), one (or more?) for fiction, etc.
Justin Megahan
St. Louis Public Library

They don’t get used much at our consortia. I do like the idea though of using them to make your state reporting easier.

For our state reporting we have a custom table for grouping our collection codes.

As a reference point, here are the collection groupings we have:

  • Audio Books
  • Computer Software
  • eContent
  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Audio Books
  • Juvenile Fiction
  • Juvenile Music
  • Juvenile Non-Fiction
  • Juvenile Periodicals
  • Juvenile Video
  • Kits
  • Music
  • Non-Fiction
  • Other
  • Periodicals
  • Reference
  • Special Collections
  • Video
  • YA Audio Books
  • YA Fiction
  • YA Non-Fiction
  • YA Periodicals
  • YA Video
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