Innovative reusing user generated code in Polaris

Casual inquiry here, @wesochuck: Has Innovative ever taken user-developed stored procs and/or functions and included those as part of the standard Polaris collection of database objects?

Not that I’m aware of*.

I’m guessing it probably has to do with the fundamental law of programming that it is harder to read code than write it. In this case meaning they’d have to spend way more time to get someone else’s code to the same “spec” as theirs, so while they might like the concept, they’d probably implement it in a completely different way.

It may be different on the support side. It wouldn’t surprise me if the support team includes user generated scripts to help them get their job done. Kinda like they do with our SIP testing tool.

*Note: Maybe they’ve verbatim added an occasional SQL index that we’ve suggested. But in most cases that recommendation just came straight out of the SQL server engine anyhow.

@wesochuck, that SIP testing tool link isn’t opening for me, maybe because I lack visibility to all things Polaris. I’d like to learn more about it, though.

The same info is on our website: SIP Testing Tool – Central Library Consortium

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