Idea Lab: Patrons and Holds and Circ, Oh My!

Hello Sierra Users,

This week Idea Lab is featuring ideas relating to patrons, holds, and circulation. Please view, vote, and comment on these ideas to help them get through to the next stage. Each idea needs a total of 50 views, 40 votes, and 10 comments to get there!

Retain SDA Search Terms Within Patron Session
verify address subfields in patron record (SDA)
Messages/Blocks on Patron Accounts - Option to Apply to Linked Accounts
Reading History - include Overdrive / integrated e-content lending

hold placed more than 180 days ago : hold pickup location should always be editable by staff in SDA
Allow staff to change the due date of an item with holds
Freeze holds
Bulk Item level holds on same bib record

prompt to clear item status at CHECKOUT : option for libraries to determine these statuses
Globally Update Loan Rules

Eleanor Crumblehulme and Sarah Frieldsmith
IUG Enhancements Co-Coordinators