Idea Lab: Next Steps and Expiring Ideas

Hello Sierra users,

New idea submission is now closed in Idea Lab. The new platform, Idea Exchange, will be open early-mid May, so keep a note of any genius ideas you have and be ready to submit them there!

There is a lot to do in Idea Lab over the next couple of months - view, vote, and comment on all the ideas that catch your eye. Share them with colleagues.

We want to get as many ideas as possible through to the Product Review stage. Ideas in Product Review or Future Possibilities will be retained when we move away from the Idea Lab software, and most of those ideas will be included in a one-off vote challenge on the new platform. That challenge will provide the starting pool of ideas for the first annual prioritization process.

The purpose of this is to retain as many of your valuable ideas as possible and recognize that they have reached a stage where they are serious contenders for implementation. Ideas that may be implemented in Vega will be moved into the Vega space on the new platform.

These ideas are expiring soon:

search/holds summary table : shortcut keyboard options for tabs (summary tab, record tab etc.)
Reading History - include Overdrive / integrated e-content lending
Auto-sort MARC tags when record is saved in Sierra or written to via API
Sierra API: Expose Rules for Suppression and Rules for Requesting Tables
Expose more fields via circ_loan_rule table
Mobile Worklists - check-in missing items to available
Improve Scheduler history
Scheduler email reports should have a lot more information
Inn-Reach Verification Before Placing the Request
Decision Center Weeding reports: include initial filter to identify available items on the shelf

Eleanor Crumblehulme and Sarah Frieldsmith
IUG Enhancements Co-Coordinators

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