How should conference topics be presented on the forums? Vote for your preference!

Starting my library career as a page, I agree, I hate when things aren’t sorted in alphabetical order!

This has been a long-standing area of discussion with the forum’s creators. Right now, the forums sort by latest activity. As our web dev works on manually importing old content, that causes new activity which changes the sub-category ordering.

You could select to manually order all categories instead. But you can’t select to just order sub-categories. That is currently considered to be too niche of an area.

Another option would be to consider moving all these topics under the Conferences & Events category and then just tagging them instead of using subcategories. The tags filter isn’t as obvious, you must use the drop down when you’re in the category (shown below). But you can have the tags sort in alphabetical order.

What do you think? Vote using the poll:

  • Obvious sub-categories, but out of order (current method)
  • No sub-categories, but Alphabetical Tags
  • Other, please reply
0 voters

Since outgoing email was broken when we originally launched this poll, I’m going to bump the topic to give folks a chance to vote on their preference for How should conference topics be presented on the forums? Vote for your preference!

Deadline for voting is October 4th, 2022 at 5pm Eastern.

Alphabetical is good. If you need to start conferences with years, it would I think be useful to do a reverse date order so most current items show up first. - sj


It was a close race, but for now, the past IUG conferences will stay as sub-categories sorted by latest activity in Conferences & Events.