Holdshelf Status Query

This query started its life as a replacement for the Clear Expired Holds and Holdshelf report for one location. I’m posting it here in case anyone can benefit from the report or any of these query features:

  • Use of CTEs (Common Table Expressions) to minimize database fetches and conditional comparisons
  • Use of a UNION to combine two mutually-exclusive subqueries
  • Example of date arithmetic using INTERVAL
  • Example of one of the many valuable historical data points captured in circ_trans
  • Illustrates how static circ_trans rows can be joined with fluid holds data
 * Display the items on a specified holdshelf with relevant details for circ staff and
 * diagnostic info for the Sierra admin.
 * This query originated when a Clear Holdshelf report for one branch was producing no output.
 * The addition of the Pickup Location and Origin App columns revealed the source of the problem,
 * which was that "readreq" (WebPAC, or BiblioCore in our case) was creating holds using the "lp"
 * pickup location, while holds created in the SDA properly use the "loclp" pickup location.
 * Both location codes refer to the same physical location, a standalone locker kiosk.
 * Bob Gaydos <bgaydos@starklibrary.org>
 * October 8, 2024
SET search_path = 'sierra_view';
WITH ItemsOnHoldshelf AS
    -- Minimize database fetches by grabbing all the columns needed for the rest of the query now,
    -- since some columns are common to both the OriginApp CTE as well as the main query body.
        h.id AS hold_id,
        h.placed_gmt::DATE AS hold_placed,
        h.on_holdshelf_gmt::TIMESTAMP AS on_holdshelf_since,
        h.pickup_location_code AS pickup_location,
        i.id AS item_record_id,
    FROM hold h
    INNER JOIN item_record i
       ON i.id = h.record_id
    INNER JOIN bib_record_item_record_link bil
       ON bil.item_record_id = i.id
    WHERE i.item_status_code IN ('!', '#')           -- # is same as !, but for INN-Reach titles
      AND h.pickup_location_code IN ('loclp', 'lp')  -- customize for your site
OriginApp AS
    -- Determines whether the hold was placed in the SDA, INN-Reach or the discovery layer.
    -- Both subqueries and the UNION are needed here because at the time a hold is placed,
    -- it is a bib-level hold or an item-level hold but not both, and although all bib-level
    -- holds will become item-leel holds once an item is chosen to fulfill the hold,
    -- the circ_trans record is historical and thus does not reflect that transition.
    -- Yes, there also exist volume-level holds but we don't have those at our library.
    FROM ItemsOnHoldshelf ioh
    INNER JOIN circ_trans ct
       ON ct.patron_record_id = ioh.patron_record_id
      AND ct.bib_record_id = ioh.bib_record_id        -- join on bib ids
    WHERE ioh.hold_placed = ct.transaction_gmt::DATE
      AND ct.op_code = 'nb'                           -- bib holds
    FROM ItemsOnHoldshelf ioh
    INNER JOIN circ_trans ct
       ON ct.patron_record_id = ioh.patron_record_id
      AND ct.item_record_id = ioh.item_record_id      -- join on item ids
    WHERE ioh.hold_placed = ct.transaction_gmt::DATE
      AND ct.op_code = 'ni'                           -- item holds (see also the Knights who say this)
    ioh.pickup_location AS "Pickup Location",
    COALESCE(o.application_name, '') AS "Origin App",
    TRIM(COALESCE(pb.field_content, '')) AS "Patron Barcode",
        WHEN n.id IS NULL
            THEN ''
        WHEN COALESCE(n.last_name, '') = ''
            THEN TRIM(TRIM(TRIM(COALESCE(n.first_name, '')) || ' '
              || TRIM(COALESCE(n.middle_name, ''))) || ' '
              || TRIM(COALESCE(n.suffix, '')))::TEXT
            TRIM(COALESCE(n.last_name, '')) || ', '
              || TRIM(TRIM(TRIM(COALESCE(n.first_name, '')) || ' '
              || TRIM(COALESCE(n.middle_name, ''))) || ' '
              || TRIM(COALESCE(n.suffix, '')))::TEXT
    END AS "Patron Name",
    ioh.on_holdshelf_since::VARCHAR(19) AS "On Holdshelf Since",
        WHEN ioh.expire_holdshelf_gmt::TIMESTAMP::DATE = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP::DATE
            THEN 'Final Day'
        WHEN ioh.expire_holdshelf_gmt < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 day'  -- doesn't really expire until the day after
            THEN 'Expired'
            ''                                                                -- left blank to reduce clutter in output
    END AS "Status",
    ioh.expire_holdshelf_gmt::DATE::VARCHAR(10) AS "Holdshelf Expire",
    TRIM(COALESCE(ib.field_content, '')) AS "Item Barcode",
    TRIM(LEFT(COALESCE(brp.best_title, ''), 80)) AS "Title",
    TRIM(LEFT(COALESCE(brp.best_author, ''), 40)) AS "Author"
FROM ItemsOnHoldshelf ioh
   ON o.hold_id = ioh.hold_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN bib_record_property brp
   ON brp.bib_record_id = ioh.bib_record_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN varfield ib
   ON ib.record_id = ioh.item_record_id
  AND ib.varfield_type_code = 'b'
LEFT OUTER JOIN patron_record_fullname n
   ON n.patron_record_id = ioh.patron_record_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN varfield pb
   ON pb.record_id = ioh.patron_record_id
  AND pb.varfield_type_code = 'b'
  AND TRIM(pb.field_content) LIKE '21333%'  -- our barcode prefix for physical library cards with borrowing privileges
    "Patron Name",
    "Holdshelf Expire",