Help with saving SQL hold shelf list in Leap?

I have this SQL query that works in the management studio, but I get an error message when I try using it in Leap. I’m fairly new to SQL so it’s quite possible there’s something obvious I’m missing - can anyone tell me what’s causing the error? Trying to pull all items currently on hold at a certain branch and their corresponding patron names.

select pr.PatronFullName,br.SortTitle,hpu.abbreviation as PickupBranchAbbr,hs.Description as HoldStatusDescr  
from Polaris.Polaris.SysHoldRequests hr with (nolock)  inner join Polaris.Polaris.Organizations hpu with (nolock) on (hr.PickupBranchID = hpu.OrganizationID)  
inner join Polaris.Polaris.SysHoldStatuses hs with (nolock) on (hr.SysHoldStatusID = hs.SysHoldStatusID)  
inner join Polaris.Polaris.BibliographicRecords br with (nolock) on (hr.BibliographicRecordID = br.BibliographicRecordID)  
inner join Polaris.Polaris.Patrons p with (nolock) on (hr.PatronID = p.PatronID)  
inner join Polaris.Polaris.PatronRegistration pr with (nolock) on (pr.PatronID = hr.PatronID)  where hr.PickupBranchID in (4)  
and hr.SysHoldStatusID in (6)

In your select the first and only column is the record ID. So, p.patrons will be all you need in this select. If the seller was for items you would use itemid

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Thank you! I should’ve known I was overcomplicating it.